Independent Education Program (IEP) Meeting Facilitation

CCCMC provides independent facilitators to support effective communication in potentially challenging Individualized Education Program (IEP) Meetings. By providing facilitation as an early intervention, this service supports schools and parents to work collaboratively as they build plans for children receiving special education services.


The goal of the facilitated IEP meeting is to help IEP team members communicate effectively and develop an educational program to meet the child’s need.  Facilitated meetings may be helpful for any IEP team, and may be particularly helpful when:

  • There is a lot of new information to be processed;
  • Team members would like to create better understanding;
  • Team members want help staying focused on an agenda; or
  • There is a particular disagreement that the team wants to make progress on.


Benefits of a facilitated IEP meeting include:

  • Assistance in the development of a mutually agreed-upon IEP and other team decisions.
  • The chance for team members to develop and keep good working relationships.
  • Building the foundation for on-going communication and collaboration between the family and the school through out the year.
  • The service is offered at no cost as a service of the local community mediation center.
  • Having someone who is not an advocate for the parent or school system assist in the communication.
Request IEP Facilitation

What does an Independent IEP Facilitator do?

An Independent IEP Facilitator:

  • Talks to the parents and the IEP Chair in advance to support the development of an agenda.
  • Helps make sure that everyone has a chance to speak and be heard at an IEP meeting.
  • Keeps the discussion focused.
  • Helps the team to resolve disagreements.
  • Uses communication skills to help IEP team members work together to develop an appropriate IEP and make other decisions about the IEP student’s program.

Who are the Independent Facilitators?

The Independent Facilitators:

  • Are highly trained volunteers from our community mediation center.
  • Are not members of the team and do not have a relationship with the school or the parent.
  • Focus on the process, while the team members make all the decisions.
  • Remains neutral and will not place blame, take sides, or make recommend actions.